Create a marketing page for a Kickstarter project

  • Build out a marketing site that shows one slide at a time (more or less).
  • Start with the images and copy from the project.
  • Feel free to search the web for more images.
  • Feel free to make up copy.


  • Use the full-screen height design pattern.
  • Draw up 2-3 sketches. Show to another group, ask what they would do next.
  • Include a nav, at least three sections, and a footer
  • Include information about the people behind the project
  • Include a form (for signing up, or whatever you want)

How to write good copy

  • What problem does the product solve?
  • What does user want to know?
  • Can you simplify?


  • Pick a topic
  • Sketch site, start copy
  • Wireframe, write more copy
  • Code
  • Iterate


Nice fullish-screen marketing pages

Handy links