- Simplified HTML
- Preprocessor turns it into HTML.
- Use the links to the left to play with Markdown.
- Most README files on GitHub are writtein with Markdown. (Here's an example. Click the 'RAW' button to see the Markdown code.)
- Jekyll: a static-site generator
- Lightweight, easy-to-use system for a site with templates
- You define your templates and content locally, compile it locally, and move your compiled directory to a server.
- How Jekyll works
Installing Jekyll
- First, your computer must already have Ruby installed. Macs already come with Ruby. Windows users can use RubyInstaller.
- Second, if you're on a Mac, you'll need to install Command Line Tools before you can install Jekyll. We didn't cover this in class, because I didn't realize it was necessary. If you're on Mavericks, just follow this guide. If you're using Mountain Lion or Lion, first download Xcode (a free app available on the Mac App Store). Once its installed (it takes a while), open it, go to Preferences > Downloads, and install Command Line Tools.
- Open Terminal
- Enter
sudo gem install jekyll
- If it prompts you for a password, type your system password. You won't be able to see it as you type it.
Creating a new Jekyll project
- In Terminal, navigate to where you keep your projects
- Type
jekyll new PROJECTNAME
- Move into the new directory by typing
- Create the site by typing
jekyll build
- Your compiled site will go in a new
Updating your _site directory
- To make Jekyll convenient, we need it to continue to compile the site as we change files.
- To do this, type
jekyll build --watch
- This tells Jekyll to rebuild the site every time a file gets changed.
- Try it out! Load your entire PROJECTNAME directory in Sublime Text, and change something. Go back to the Terminal and you'll see a line that tells you it regenerate the page.
- While build is running, you won't be able to type other commands in the same Terinal window. You can hit
to open a new tab, or control-c
to make the build stop running.
Converting an old site to Jekyll
to your project directory
- Type
jekyll new --blank --force .
- You'll need to create a _config.yml file in the root of your project. Populate it with the text in this Gist.
- You should also add a
file if you don't have one already. In it, list _site
. That will prevent your compiled site from being checked into git. (You only need the source files in git — the compiled site can always be regenerated.)
- Then type
jekyll build --watch
to build out your _site
folder and keep Jekyll on alert for new changes.
GitHub Pages
- GitHub Pages are specifically set up to use Jekyll.
- Your GH Pages site actually uses the templates and content, not the compiled
Jekyll + Sass
- Using both together can be fluid, but requires going just a little deeper into using the Terminal.
- Follow these instructions.
- You'll no longer need Prepros if you go this route.
- And you'll use Jekyll's built-in server, instead of Prepros'. You'll navigate to localhost:4000 instead of localhost:8000 to see your site.
Command line
Basic Terminal commands
means 'change directory', it's what lets you enter into a folder
will list the directory you're currently in
- Folders and filenames are case sensitive
- 'tab' will autocomplete a folder or filename
will list all the files and folders in your current directory
open .
will open Finder to display all the files in your current directory
cd ..
will navigate you back up a folder
cd ~
will take you back to your root folder
cmd k
will clear your window
- The up arrow will cycle through all your previously typed commands
will create a new director/folder
will create a new file
Using git and Github in Terminal
- To begin a new Git repository, type
git init
inside of your project folder
git status
will tell you what files in your projects have been changed.
- To add your files to a commit, type
git add -a
. Then type git commit -m "Message about this commit."
- Go to your account on and create a new repository
- Paste the instructions from Push an existing repository from the command line in your project folder, in Terminal.
- Refresh your Github page, and it should have the updated files.