
  • If you want to refer to the element getting the interaction, you don't have to duplicate the classname.
  • Use this instead.

this boilerplate

<script src=""></script>
$(function() {
  $('.picture').click(function() {

Tree traversal

Useful traversal options

  • .closest() or .closest('.foo') lets you select the closest ancestor that matches the selector you pass.
  • .find() or .find('.foo') does the opposite: selects the closest descendent that matches the selector you pass.
  • .siblings() or .siblings('.foo') does what it sounds like: selects all the sibilings that match the selector you pass.


  • You can chain jQuery commands together to do multiple things at once.
  • This will apply a class of active to all li elements that contain an img element:

jQuery UI

jQuery plugins

  • There are tons of easy-to-use, plug-and-play jQuery plugins
  • Most have really simple instructions that take just seconds to implement

Some popular, easy plugins

Photo portfolio

Design and code a photography showcase website.


  • Use one jQuery plugin (from above, or elsewhere)
  • Use some jQuery of your own devising
  • One page or multiple pages, your choice
  • Captions are required
  • Mobile first
  • Wireframe site first. For interactions, describe what will happen and show both states
  • Use Prepros + Sass. Use scaffold.

Sources for photography

Nice inspiration for porfoltio sites